Titling of small, medium and complex developments is one of the specialist services provided by EJA.
We are able to assist with all aspects of the titling process including:
Providing a detailed explanation of the titling process
Providing a detailed explanation of the titling process
The Development Application
The cadastral survey
Plan and document preparation including the preparation of Scheme Statements
Arranging for execution of documents
Liaison with service and planning authorities to obtain final clearances
Lodgement of plans, reports and digital data with the Surveyor General
Registration at the land Tiles Office and arrange for the issue of the new title
EJA has been involved with the Unit Title Schemes legislation since its inception.
Our involvement in all aspects of the process, including dealings with developers, solicitors, Body Corporate managers on a range of developments, means we are able to offer advice on titling options to best suit the type of development and the outcome being sort by the developer.
It is this advice, even more than our basic unit titling services, that provides the real benefit to clients.